Ordinary Blog


I walked into the choir room at Mounds View High School a little anxious. It was my first day. Eighth and ninth grade at Lake Johanna Junior High had not been easy. Moving to...

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VW Beetle Dream

A couple of nights ago I woke from this dream: I was sitting in the passenger seat of our VW Beetle convertible. My son, Sam, was driving. The top was down and the sun...

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Standing in the North

Every morning after breakfast we gathered for exercises in the field below the retreat house at the Mother Tree. The exercises resembled the personalities of those leading. Linda’s exercises were hot. Grif’s were unexpected...

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Empty House

I can’t get used to it. There’s no tail thumping. There’s no purring (yes, for some reason, she purred). There’s no pressing her head against my leg. Gracie, our golden retriever, has been gone almost a...

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Familiar and Safe

Two days ago at 9:25 am, I walked into Christ Church chapel. It was Ash Wednesday. I found a pew on the left side and sat down. The morning hadn’t started well. When Meg left...

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